Whole Group Math Lesson
First, I introduce our learning target for the day and then start teaching my whole group lesson. I usually teach our whole group lesson using a Flipchart on the Promethean Board or model using manipulatives on my Elmo. After modeling, I have my students participate in guided practice where they practice the skill using their white boards and dry erase markers as they are sitting on the carpet or at their tables.
By having each student using white boards to record their answers, I know that everyone is engaged in the lesson and I can easily check for individual student mastery. After my students demonstrate mastery of the learning target, they then complete their independent practice.
Guided Math Small Group
While students are completing their independent practice, I call up a math group to work at my table with me. We do a variety of activities during this time. Sometimes we play a math game that reinforces the skill they just learned.
Other times, we practice solving a math task so I can guided them through the process or get a closer look at how they are solving the problem.
No matter what activity we do in small groups, it allows me to work closer with my students to clear up any confusion or misconceptions they may have. It also allows for more conversations to take place so they can explain their mathematical thinking to each other.

I love using my Math Pocket Chart Signs to help me organize my guided math groups and math station rotations.
I have
four math groups so I have four math stations that the
students must complete each week. Each group goes to one station each
Math Stations
I bought these colorful baskets for only $1 at the Dollar Tree.
I like to use math stations with math talk cards so students are able to practice using the math vocabulary they learned about with their partner.
Many of my math stations are differentiated so they meet all of my students individual needs.
I also have some favorite games that I got from Lakeshore Learning.
I love using math games to help students practice math in a fun way!
I also love their interactive whiteboard games! My students cheer every time they get to play one of these. These games are also great to play at the end of the day.
Math Anchor Activities
Once they complete their independent practice and math station for that day, they can complete an
anchor activity. I have four different colored boxes (I bought them
last year from Target) labeled with my 4 reading groups so they know
which anchor activities to complete. Each basket contains extension
activities to extend their learning. I use a variety of anchor
activities, but my favorite ones to use are called Activity Cards for Early Finishers from TheMailbox.com.