Saturday, June 29, 2013

Prefix or Suffix Flower Craftivity and Butterfly Life Cycle

Have you ever had a stressful week at school and you just need a little pick-me-up?  There is nothing like hanging up a cute craftivity that my students made to put a smile on my face.  This fun craftivity is just what my students needed to practice using words with prefixes and writing them in sentences!
First, they wrote the prefix in the middle of the flower (mid_). Next, they wrote 8 words with that prefix on each petal (midnight, midday, etc..).  Then, they wrote 5 sentences with the words from the petals on an index card or piece of paper. Next, they colored and cut out the flowers and pot. They then glued their sentences to the flower pot on construction paper. I gave each student two flowers since we were learning about the prefixes mid_ and mis _ the same week.

Butterfly Life Cycle Pasta Activity
Here is another fun activity we did when we learned about the life cycle of a butterfly.  I had my students go on a nature walk to collect sticks, leaves, and flowers to use on their plate to make it look more realistic.  They divided their plate into 4 sections egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly.  They then glued the items they found onto their plate.  They then used dried split peas or rice for the eggs, rotini pasta for the caterpillar, shell pasta for the chrysalis, and bowtie pasta for the butterfly.  


  1. I love the butterfly life cycle! I am giving you some bloglovin! I would love to have you join my Dollar Days Linky. Post anything you love, sell, buy, or make within the dollar range!
    A Teacher Without a Class

  2. Great! I just gave you some bloglovin too! I can't wait to check out your blog and your Linky party.
