Tuesday, July 30, 2013

We are Fin-tastic at Solving Math Facts!!

This is one of my students' favorite activities to help motivate them to master their addition and subtraction facts. I usually start this in September and continue on until the end of the year.  In second grade one of our common core standards is to be able to add and subtract fluently to 20.  First, I wrote each student's name on a fish and placed them in the last blank fish tank.

During our guided math groups and math stations we used the flashcards to practice our addition facts.  You can start with any number based on the needs of your students.  Below are examples of the + 2 flashcards.  The flashcards can be kept on a ring or in little baggies for each student to use to practice.   

Addition Flashcards

After they practiced their facts, I have them take a timed test.  Each student would have 3 minutes to complete the test.  If they missed 1 or less on their test, they got to move their fish to the next fish bowl.   
Addition Test and Award
My class loved moving their fish to the next bowl and then finally arriving at the 10's tank!  Once their fish made it to the 10's tank, they receive a "We are Fin-tastic at Solving Addition Facts to 20" award.
Once students make it to the 10's tank they have mastered their sums to 20! They are now ready to start mastering their subtraction facts. You may either have them start their fish back at the empty fish tank as before to show their subtraction fact progress or you may have a separate set of fish bowls for subtraction. 

Subtraction Flashcards

Subtraction Tests and Subtraction Facts Award
Click here to get this Fin-tastic pack!

Ocean Themed Classroom Posters from Dollar Tree!
By now you must know that I love my ocean themed classroom so any time I find something that is ocean themed I have to get it!  I found these cute posters at Dollar Tree for only $1.  They even had an ocean themed alphabet!

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